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90% of good mental health is about strong healthy relationships. How we manage our relationships is very important. In other words, we have to be intentional in building strong relationships whether at home, in the work place or with friends because that is where the biggest chunk of our health comes from.

A very good example in the bible of an intentional individual, and another toxic one, comes from the story of what is popular known as the prodigal son.

Luke 15:11-31. The drama is played out in a family setting. The relationships to watch out is that of a father towards a wayward and a wasteful son comparable to today’s drug addict. His other son, though is the ideal child who stays at home to continue and grow the father’s empire.

The father to every body’s surprise throws a feast, and jubilates when his wayward son returns after squandering half of his father’s retirement package that he had forcefully snatched from him.

Unlike the father, the upright brother sulks and pouts, cracking with envy cause no such appreciation had been shown despite his filial faithfulness.

He practically spoils the party thrown by more wounded father who had totally forgiven and forgotten his son’s wayward mess

So, of the two, who exhibited mental health?

Always exercise kindness, be a good human being as you relate with one another. Only then shall we have healthy living.
