God spoke to me and told me that I had been healed. Many people were being prayed for by preacher Balabyekubo and my colleague had also been healed. We would pray and ask for God’s mercy so, many people received healing. I had faith that I was also going to be healed. Though Being born again and living a normal lifestyle was known to be for the low class since they didn’t have money to spend. Yet I was someone who loved having a lot of money but here I was in my own lonely world and still living in denial. I wanted to continue sleeping with men, going to clubs and bars, basically continue with my lifestyle.
Unfortunately, that kind of lifestyle couldn’t go hand in hand with salvation. I became confused on how to go about life. Amidst all that confusion, people were dying day and night and every time there was someone being buried. Army officers, local people, men and women were dying. It was so sad to see even young children who would be born positive die. With all that, one would think they are next. It was such a dark terrible time. One time during a funeral, there came a born-again army officer who preached the gospel of salvation to the mourners. He would also go to bars and follow people wherever they were, preaching the gospel about Jesus Christ the Healer. He would tell us that if we didn’t accept salvation, we were going to die. During that same funeral, he sat beside me and said, “Anita you were born in a Christian family”. Those days I used to be called Anita though my parents named me Deborah. Anita was a name I took on because I thought it was stylish. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour, I regained my name Deborah. The army officer who knew me as Anita asked me where I thought I would end up if I died in that era of AIDS. I felt confused because it was as if he knew that I was HIV positive. It was as if I was already in hell, caught up in a lake full of floating dead bodies. I knew for sure that if I died without receiving salvation, I would go straight to hell.
One time, I was involved in a car accident and when I went back home, The Lord spoke to me again: asked me why I was not yet born again! It made me feel very uncomfortable. When the army officer preached about hell, I felt spiritually stirred up and so I made up my mind, that come what may, I had to give my life to Christ. I knew that if I received salvation, I would definitely change my lifestyle. You can’t become a born again Christian and remain the same, you definitely have to change. You come from a life full of darkness to that full of light and with The Lord. I couldn’t continue drinking alcohol and fornicating since I was now born again. It meant that I had stop the bad lifestyle. All along I thought I was an untouchable strong woman but when I went back home, I had to go to bed early something I was not used to. I was used to going to clubs at night, going to Sheraton for swimming and so forth. That day I decided to sleep early since the following day I was going to attend a funeral. While at home, I knelt down to pray but I did not pray and then a voice spoke to me “How come you haven’t prayed”. I knew that that was God.The voice told me to pray and become born again.But I said no because I was scared. The voice was so powerful and persistent. I had to yield in prayer and become born again. There and then I knew that Jesus heals and I started to cry, my body became light. I stood up and was happy because I got peace. I stayed awake the whole night from 9:00pm to 5:00am in the morning. I couldn’t believe that I was in the presence of God. I woke up in the morning telling everybody that I was born again and I started testifying but people thought I had run mad. I was like a mentally sick person. I hated worldly things, I hated the kind of lifestyle I used to live, I hated the peer groups I was involved in while I was young and I no longer wanted to work anymore. All I wanted was The Jesus Christ I had received. I wanted to go to church all the time and I would read the bible whenever I was stuck in traffic and I never wanted to put my bible down. Instead of going to night clubs, I preferred going to Church. I would go for fellowships and crusades.
The bible says that “Like you were a slave to sin, you should now be a slave to righteousness”. Instead of going abroad for holidays, I instead went for Christian conferences. I would go for Christian missions, go to Israel. I started buying and reading Christian books because my life had completely changed. That is the time the healing process from HIV/AIDS started and I decided to stick to God’s word. The Lord is a faithful God and He had healed someone else, He had to heal me too. I got stuck to God’s word. God’s word is better than the medicine we swallow and everything else in the world. Remember, that formerly there were no ARVs, that is no treatment let alone cure for HIV/AIDS. I don’t want the government to think that we are misleading the public. What do you mean when you say you got healed of HIV/AIDS? They always ask. But I was healed of all the symptoms of AIDS. First of all, I no longer had any AIDS symptoms, I started having my periods again; I didn’t feel any more pain in my body; the dizziness and the constant headaches were no more.
Generally, all AIDS symptoms were out of my body. I actually threw away all the medicine that the doctor had given me. In February, I followed The Lord after I had become born again and I threw away all the medicine. There were no ARVs at the time, not a single medicine to treat HIV/AIDS. I prayed that there appears a change in my blood test because I was still HIV positive. At one point, Jesus asked me why I was worried about my blood being positive. If I have healed you, what else do you want? Move on. At first, I was scared of stopping to use the medicine for fear of running mad because HIV positive patients always became mentally ill.Two months later, after gathering all the courage, I threw away the medicine.I stopped taking any more medicine.We are speaking of 26 years back then. The Lord healed me and I have never taken any more HIV/AIDS medicine or ARVs since 1994. The first thing I did was to repent of my sins.
The bible says, if you don’t repent, He will not heal you.so I repented and God healed me.He will forgive all your sins and heal you of all diseases. He can’t forgive our sins and not heal us of our sickness. I stood by that; The Lord is a faithful God. He is not a son of man to lie, His word is righteous.We are healed by His word. Our biggest problem is failing to trust; if we trust God’s word, He will heal us. God has had mercy on me for 26 years now and iam still moving strong. 15 years back, I got a skin rash and when I went to test, the doctor asked me why I wasn’t taking my medicine since I was HIV positive. I told him that the Lord had healed me. The doctor laughed at me but the skin rash disappeared. I trusted The Lord and I have never tested again. I have trusted my life to The Lord for 26 years now. I am happy because He is a faithful Lord. Jesus once said to His disciples that “You shouldn’t be happy because you have been healed of sicknesses or because demons were cast out of you but because your names are written in the book of everlasting life.”I am happy because I forgot about AIDS. I can give my testimony but I am not bothered about AIDS anymore. I know that I am going to heaven and He heals AIDS. The challenges that I have encountered throughout my journey of salvation are much bigger than AIDS but those are challenges everyone else faces in their salvation Journey.
- Praise God.
- Praise Him.
- Praise God.
- Praise Him indeed.
- God is merciful.
- He is great.
All the worldly things that I desired have lost value to me. Moreover, many wealthy people have died. All the old things passed away and behold the new has come.Don’t look at me now and think I have always looked like this; I was once a very beautiful lady. Beauty also fades away with time. Nothing is permanent except The word of God. I had boxes of jewellery, expensive perfumes, best shoes and clothes in town. I was a class above the rest. I will show you, my pictures. I used to paint my lips; generally, I was living in a world of my own. I had the best hairstyles and I used to buy all my clothes abroad and not here in Uganda because I never wanted to dress like the way others do here in Uganda. All that is now in the past. Paul said that “all I used to think was of value and importance, was all worthless because I wanted to be in the goodness of Jesus.” When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, all worldly things became useless to me. You must know God from within and not on the outside; that way, you will find peace because God doesn’t compete with anything else. He is sufficient. I encourage all of you to please keep up the spirit. When you receive salvation, life changes. The Jesus I have is better than all those worldly things that I once had. He is better than the wealth I desired, better than the sophisticated lifestyle that I lived and better than the men I used to sleep around with. Generally, He is better than all worldly things. You feel it from within because it brings peace. He said that I will give you peace that the world will never give you. That peace has made me love Him more and more.
The Lord’s word that we read changes how we perceive things and how we behave.When He says “I am going to heal you,” He does so.When He says “I am going to forgive your sins,” He does so. Do you think I would have left the men, if it weren’t for Him? At the age of 26, I had one boyfriend after another. Do you think it was easy for me to let go of all that? But God gives you the strength and courage to overcome all that. I want to tell my friends out there that I desired and worked for worldly things as much as I could. Those watching and can recognize me will testify to that, but all that is now in the past. At the end of the day, I was going to leave it all on earth. If God hadn’t had mercy on me and got me out of sin, I was going to die of AIDS. Some of my colleagues died of AIDS; mostly those who were well off. But now I know that amidst all that, there is everlasting life and that is what we all should aim at because it is everlasting life, forever and ever and ever. When God enters your life, He prepares you. I am being prepared by The Saviour Lord. I went back to Mbarara but can you imagine me leaving my long-desired lifestyle in Kampala and going back deep in the village to look after my aged mother until her journey ends? For me to be dressed the way I am right now, is also great.I thank God for changing my life. What I wish for all of you, is salvation.
Peace can only be found in Jesus Christ and not in any other thing.I never found peace in sleeping around with men, neither did I find it in my desired lifestyle; nor in any worldly things but in Jesus Christ. Peace is better than anything else.I thank God for the gift of salvation because Jesus Christ is coming back again and the signs of His coming back are all happening now. All we have to do is change our lifestyle and prepare to live with Jesus forever and ever amen. We can’t continue beyond this point. Imagine for 26 years I have never fallen sick